En STRATOS AGEIN identificamos las oportunidades y amenazas en las tendencias mundiales, regionales y locales que impactarán su organización, así como sus capacidades para adaptarse, anteponerse y actuar frente a múltiples escenarios a través de la construcción, ejecución y seguimiento de planes estratégicos, tácticos y operativos.


In Stratos Agein we use advanced data analysis techniques, technological tools and modern methods to define the strategy, and the business and operational model.

  • We work by your side using modelling tools for business analytics, supported by:
Business Intelligence

Methodology that enables to unify relevant information, in order to align your organization's departments, to unify concepts and thus ensure the company will focus on the objectives defined. This information can be published in reports or dashboards that can be updated in real-time, daily, weekly or monthly and allow better control on your indicators.

Data Mining

Methodology that uses predictive modelling, classification methods and mathematical, statistical and econometric models. This allows you to abstract the knowledge of your company through your databases and social networks. Using this methodology you can eliminate manual processes and reduce time on generating concrete results and analysis for taking decisions.

Big Data

Using tools for Big Data, we can identify consistent patterns in large amounts of data.

  • In Stratos Agein we deeply believe that is necessary a trained, motivated and integrated team for the success of any project. We count with a team committed, qualified on data mining, business intelligence, econometric modeling with mathematical and statistical skills who not only stands out for its capacity in those areas but for their human quality on the execution of a project and the ongoing support for your organization.


STRATOS AGEIN is committed to the sustainable growth of your organization and taking effective strategic decisions based on information.


  • We provide tools that uses your organization and contributors data, to improve your decisions.
  • We provide effective and efficient data and indicators about your company timely.
  • We create and optimize the information flows of your company, allowing to take strategic decisions about customers, markets, sales and marketing mechanisms, and other fundamental decisions for your company